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Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Sun Dried Figs Ice Cream without eggs

Figs can be eaten fresh or dried, or processed into jam, rolls, biscuits and other types of desserts. Since the ripe fruit does not transport and keep well, most commercial production is in dried and processed forms. Raw figs contain roughly 80% water and 20% carbohydrates with negligible protein, fat and micro nutrient content. They are a moderate source of dietary fiber. I remember my mom used...
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Sunday, October 3, 2021

Cherimoya Ice cream (Custard Apple/Sitafal Icecream) without eggs

What is Cherimoya fruit? In Spanish speaking countries it is known as cherimoya.  However most of the rest of the English speaking world refers to it as custard apple. In India it is known as Sitafal and in Urdu it is called Sharifa.  Sitafal ice cream is one of the most popular ice cream flavors in India. The cherimoya (Annona cherimola), also spelled chirimoya and called chirimuya...
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