
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Dates and Nuts Rolls


4 cups chopped pitted dates (be sure to pick the tub of fresh soft dates and not hard)

2 table spoon Ghee

1/2 cup chopped pistachios

1/2 cup chopped almonds

1/2 cup chopped cashews

1/2 cup chopped walnuts

1/2 can of condensed milk

4 table spoon poppy seeds or desiccated unsweetened coconut powder (available at Local Indian grocer)


* Dry roast the poppy seeds in a shallow non stick frying pan on medium - low heat for 1 min, set aside.

* Dry roast all the chopped nuts in a frying pan for 3-5 min.

* Heat Ghee in frying pan, add dates and cook them with constant stirring with a wooden spoon and mashing them a the same time, till they become soft (about 5-7 min).

* Add condensed milk, mix well.

* Add all the roasted nuts to the dates and mix well. Turn the stove off.

* Pour the mixture on greased (with ghee) rolling surface, and let it cool and roll it in log roll (2"-2.5" wide) shape with your palm when the mixture is workable, you may want to rub a little ghee on your palms so the mixture does not stick to your palms.

* Once log is nice a smooth, roll it in the coconut powder or roasted poppy seeds.

* Roll it again till poppy seeds or coconut is evenly distributed on the roll.

* Wrap the roll in saran wrap and refrigerate it until nice and firm(~ 1-2 hours).

* Take it out of fridge, take the plastic wrap off and place the roll on cutting board.

* Make about 1/2 inch slices from the log and serve.

* You can store these in airtight container in the fridge for 2-3 weeks.

Recipe modified by Surekha from a recipe by her mother-in-law Mrs. Hemlata.

Photographs by Surekha.

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