
Sunday, September 1, 2013

My New Kitchen :)

This was the main reason, I have been absent from blogging for almost 5 long months.
Yes, we remodeled our kitchen !
It all started with just thought of changing the counter top and then as usual like any remodeling project it turned out to be a big long adventurous journey.
We did not have working kitchen for 3 long months. All the planning that went in to it before and after, took lot of our time. However at the end, it was all well worth it !
I am so very proud of my new kitchen and I look forward to coming home to it everyday from work. Now I will try to post more recipes, as it is definitely more fun cooking with new appliances and on the new surface with convenience of reaching for all the gadgets that I had  stored away before and now just the arm length away with the clever storage of the new cabinets.
Here are some pics for all of you to enjoy :)

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