
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Hawaiian Macadamia Nut Vanilla Ice Cream

 I am so proud of myself for recreating the ice cream  that I tried in Hawaii  recently, when we were on our vacation in Oct 2014.  I am not an ice cream person at all, I love warm desserts. However, it was relatively hot in Hawaii, and they had this Vanilla Macadamia nut ice cream which was loaded with nuts and not very sweet at all, unlike all the other ice creams that you get here. I took one bite of it from my husband's serving and wanted more. Then I bought one for myself and after we came back, I could not wait to try to make it here. And here it is .....

2 cups of heavy whipping cream
3 cups of roasted lightly salted Macadamia nuts
2 eggs
1/2 can of condensed milk
1/3 cup of granulated sugar
1/2 cup of Caro syrup
1 tablespoon of Vanilla extract
1 can of evaporated milk
1 tub of whipped topping
  • Chop the Macadamia nuts to desired consistency in food processor.
  • Beat eggs.
  • Add evaporated milk and condensed milk, beat until all ingredients are well incorporated.
  • Add vanilla and sugar and corn syrup,
  • Beat with hand blender until everything is smooth and well blended.
  • Add whipping cream and nuts.
  • Add whipped topping and mix well with hand blender. (if making in two batches, may want to hold off on adding entire tub of whipped topping, and add to second batch just before making the ice cream next day.
  • Pour 1/2 of content in 1 quart ice cream make and  put the rest in fridge.
  • Follow direction on the ice cream maker. 
  • Takes about 30 min to make 1 quart at a time.
  • Scoop out the ice cream in freezer safe plastic container and freeze until serving.
  • Freeze the washed empty ice cream maker container in freezer and make the next batch when this container is ready (about 8 hours)
  •  Pour the ice cream in same container freeze the ice cream and serve as needed.
  • You may top it with desired topping or just serve plane.

    This recipe yields 2 quarts of ice cream, therefore I had to make it in two batches, since the Cuisinart ice cream and yogurt maker has only one quart container.  I made one batch one day and had to freeze the empty ice cream container to make the next batch next day. Stored the rest of the mix in the fridge. Only thing is you may want to add the whipped topping to the mix just before making the ice cream. If you have ice cream maker with bigger container or have two ice cream containers you can make both batches on same day.
    • I used 3 cups of Macadamia nuts because the ice cream that we tried in Hawaii was loaded with nuts.
    • If you desire less nuts, you can cut down the quantity to 2 cups of nuts, but may want to use less sugar.
    • Instead of using Caro syrup and sugar you can use one entire can of condensed milk. 
    • Instead of using heavy cream you can use coconut milk or half and half.

    D E L I C I O U S   !

    ENJOY !!

    Recipe and Photographs by Surekha.

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