As promised earlier in my previous post of Brazilian Papaya Creme recipe, here is the recipe for Grenadine syrup. What is Grenadine : It is a syrup made with pomegranate juice, sugar, and lemon juice. It is commonly used as nonalcoholic bar syrup
characterized by its deep red color. It is a popular cocktail
ingredient renowned for its flavor as well as ability to give a reddish...
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Sunday, February 27, 2022
Easy Homemade Grenadine Syrup
Cocktail Drinks
Sunday, February 20, 2022
Brazilian Creme de Papaya
This recipe is dedicated to a very good friend of ours A. Kothare, who lived in Brazil and who we have known for more than 40 years. Two years ago when we had taken a trip to South America, we went to Rio de Janeiro and he was supposed to meet with us Petropolis which is about 71 km from Rio de Janeiro. Unfortunately he could not come due to health reasons, but he gave us some great...