
Thursday, November 24, 2022

Homemade Passion Fruit Ice Cream without eggs

A while ago a we found this Passion fruit honey puree at Costco, I loved it. Its consistency was thick almost jelly like so I was using as a spread on my toast.  Then I thought let me try making ice cream with this and so I did and it came out perfect. You will need an ice cream maker (I use Cuisinart frozen yogurt maker).  Here is something about Passion fruit. Passion fruit is a nutritious tropical fruit that is gaining popularity, especially among health-conscious people. Despite its small size, it’s rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and plant compounds that could benefit your health. Passion fruit is the fruit of the Passiflora vine, a type of passion flower. It has a tough outer rind and juicy, seed-filled center. There are several types that vary in size and color. Purple and yellow varieties are the most commonly available ones. This kind is round or oval with yellow skin and usually slightly larger than the purple variety.Though they’re a tropical fruit, some varieties can survive in sub-tropical climates.

For this reason, they’re grown all over the world, and crops can be found in Asia, Europe, Australia, and South and North America.

Here are the ingredients I used to make this Egg less Passion fruit ice cream:

  • One 32 oz of heavy whipping cream
  • 2 cups of Passion fruit honey puree (it is with seeds)
  • 1 tub of cool whip
  • 1 can of condensed milk   
  • 1 eight oz pack of softened cream cheese
  • 2 teaspoon of vanilla 
  • (If you want it little sweet than can add more condensed milk or sugar as the puree is tart, I didn't)


  • Chill the ice cream or yogurt maker container overnight in freezer  (as per instruction on your ice cream maker).
  • Whip the softened cream cheese until of smooth texture.
  • In electric mixer whip the heavy cream until fluffy with spikes.
  • Add condensed milk, softened whipped  cream cheese, cool whip, passion fruit pulp and vanilla.
  • Mix well until everything is well incorporated.
  • Pour the content in the ice cream maker frozen container and start the electric ice cream maker churning it for 45 min.
  • Transfer it in your ice cream storage container and put it in freezer for 8 hours before serving.


  Scoop it out and Serve it with cake or wafers or your favorite    sauce.   

Hints: The puree is little tart and with seeds, sweetened with Honey, if you like you can add more sugar or condensed milk to the recipe. Seeds you can not take out, if  you don't like the crunchy texture  of the seeds you can find the puree without seeds, however this is what I had and that is what I used, it was not bad.  For above quantity of ingredient, I had to make in two batches yielding two half gallons of icc cream.
Enjoy !!

Recipe and Photographs by Surekha.

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